Artus Company of Gábor Goda: 'Touch Paradox', National Dance Theatre Budapest, 3 June


Artus Company of Gábor Goda: 'Touch Paradox', National Dance Theatre Budapest, 3 June
Two bodies meet at one point. This point is now common. Two bodies, two people meet at this common point. They are touched. Being touched is like getting into something exceptionally sensitive, intimate, deep. In this moment, something really important, something essential happens. Something inside moves and changes.

A new era begins in a person's life. Whoever is involved is no longer objective.

Rather honest. And vulnerable. Touch permeates, grasps a person’s being, essence, and gently or forcefully, but takes control.

Finally. Therefore, anyone who touches someone bears great responsibility, be it physical, emotional, artistic or ideological touch. (Gábor Goda)
Place: National Dance Theatre Budapest
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.
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