Pester Women 2010
- 5 Mar 2010 12:00 AM
L A K Á S T R E N D ( Budapest, Műcsarnok) 5th March 2010, from 3pm in KARE designstand
KIRÁLY street DESIGN street - KARE ( 1077. Budapest, Király str. 43-45) 6 th March 2010, between 2-6 pm.
Pester women, the IDEA is as old as the grand boulevard! Its story begin a hundred years ago…Who was she? The beauty of Monarchy? The eclectikal, rhapsodical, capricious?
And who is a Pester Woman today? Geographical position? Or something else?That is the question! … what the trüffELLE! fashionduo ( Adrienne Körtvély , Antónia Kolyvek) try to answer on the two biggest design-forum in spring!
The first one!
Lakástrend (Budapest, Műcsarnok) 5th March 2010, from 3pm in KARE designstand „STYLE HIGH TEA” meeting, small talk, joyful and style point with enterieurs, trend dresses, designers and the pester women.
- small talk about old-fashioned advertisments and not-old fashioned desires! Forever young, forever slim, forever questins old-time and nowdays.
- small talk about PESTER Women, with you!
The second one!
Király street Design street festival in KARE ( Budapest, 1077. Király utca 43-45.) 6 th march 2010, between 2-6 pm.
FOUR HOUR, FOUR STYLE- fashion afternoon by trüffELLE!
- fashion show by trüffELLE! eclectikal, rhapsodical,capricious and joyful and smalltalk
P E S T E R W O M E N! Not geographical position! STYLE VALUE!
Contact: Adrienne Körtvély m: +36(30)2216837
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