FirstMed Centers In Budapest Gives Advice For Teenagers About Culture Shock
- 17 Aug 2010 1:00 AM
When you move to a new place, you're bound to face a lot of changes. That can be exciting and stimulating, but it can also be overwhelming. You may feel sad, anxious, frustrated, and want to go home.
When you go to a new country, you often enter a culture that is different from the one you left. Sometimes your culture and the new culture are similar, other times, they can be very different, and even completely opposite.
It's natural to have difficulties adjusting to a new culture. People from other cultures may have grown up with values and beliefs that differ from yours. Because of these differences, the things they talk about, the ways they express themselves, and the importance of various ideas may be very different from what you are used to.
On the other hand, there are people who never wanted to move in the first place. Their frustration starts the day they realize that they have to move to a new place, when they're perfectly happy where they are. It continues as they find out just how unfamiliar their new home is.
Though people experience culture shock in different ways, these feelings are among the most common:
• not wanting to be around people who are different from you
• sadness
• loneliness
• anxiety
• trouble concentrating
• feeling left out or misunderstood
• developing negative and simplistic views of the new culture
• frustration
• extreme homesickness
These difficult feelings may tempt you to isolate yourself from your new surroundings and dismiss the new culture. It's best not to withdraw like this. If you stay calm, observe and learn, and keep things in perspective, you'll probably find that your difficulties will pass.
But if you're feeling depressed and you aren't able to function normally even after the first few months in your new environment, you should talk to a parent or trusted adult about whether to seek help from a physician or mental health professional.
Health Advice for Teenagers
You’re bound to make mistakes, even if you follow the soundest of advice. That’s part of growing up and becoming an adult — knowing that your actions have consequences, and also accepting that at the end of the day you shouldn’t feel guilty for who you are. This is also a great time for self-expression, finding out what you’re good at, and enjoying the first part of a long life during which you will be responsible for your own well-being.
If you follow a few easy guidelines, you’ll pass through the physical and emotional turmoil and be both healthy and smart.
*Eat healthily every day: 3 main meal and two snacks, plus plenty of milk products!
*Exercise should be part of your daily routine!
*Do not drink an excess of sugary drinks or gallons of soft drinks. Even too much juice is bad for your health. (This also applies to young children and infants!)
*Have your teeth professionally cleaned and checked by a dentist every six months!
* Know who to call. If you are suffering from peer- or school-related stress, find an adult you trust (teacher, pastor, pediatrician) and don’t be afraid to discuss with them what bothers you!
*Don’t be afraid to call your pediatrician or family doctor about sensitive issues like sexuality, signs or symptoms of STDs, drugs or alcohol, or depression. Your doctor will not judge you!"
Source: FirsMed Centers
Address: 1015 Budapest, Hattyú u. 14., Hattyúház, 5th floor.
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