Hungary Wants Strong Euro

  • 20 Dec 2010 8:16 AM
Hungary Wants Strong Euro
Ironically Hungary was to adopt the European common currency, the Euro, in 1999. Nevertheless experts said that the 2014 (another one of the uncertain dates) new deadline calls for an extremely strong Euro.

Hungary said that despite the fact that a strong Euro may give Hungary cause to worry on the new adoption date, it expects the strong Euro to build stronger cohesion within the community and help Hungary enter a financially stable and strong European Union- common currency-wise. Heads of state in Brussels told a conference that they expect the strength of their “blue-back” to rock the global market.

The conference was supposed to have drawn up a basic treaty to provide sustainability for a strong currency. Sadly overspending countries like Greece, Portugal and Ireland have been blamed for partly being the cause of the weaker Euro currency, obligating the 27 to bail them out so as to prevent a collapse in their economies.

Hungary’s EU presidency starts on Jan 1, 2011 and the Hungarian President and Prime Minister have allegedly pledged to help put the EU in its “rightful place among the world’s top economies.”

One of the main focuses have been highlighted as the upcoming EU Energy summit, due in Feb 2011, where participants are expected to draw up a final blueprint for a stronger and sustainable energy source for the EU, independent from Russian energy dominance and dictatorship, experts said.

By Tamas S. Kiss, published on with the permission of

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