Orbán Family Businesses Doing Well In Hungary

  • 29 Jul 2013 1:00 AM
Orbán Family Businesses Doing Well In Hungary
Dolomit Kõbányászati, the quarry majority owned by the prime minister’s father Gyõzõ Orbán, had revenues of Ft 1.7 billion in 2012, up from Ft 1.4 billion in 2011, Népszabadság reports. The company reported a profit after taxes of Ft 333.6 million, according to the company registry published by Opten.

The Orbán family-owned Gánt Kõ és Tõzeg Termelõ és Kereskedõ took in Ft 490 million of revenue last year, up from Ft 454 million in 2011, with post-tax profit at Ft 50.2 million.

The hauler company Nehéz Kõ Logisztikai és Szállítmányozási, owned by the prime minister’s father and two younger brothers, reported a Ft 66 million profit after taxes on net revenue of Ft 400 million last year.

Democratic Coalition politician Mátyás Eörsi alleged on ATV last week that the Orbán family is one of the richest in Hungary.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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