Jobbik Against Winter Schooling Of Public Workers In Hungary

  • 2 Dec 2013 8:00 AM
Jobbik Against Winter Schooling Of Public Workers In Hungary
The radical nationalist Jobbik party voiced criticism over the government’s latest winter public works scheme, which involves helping people to complete their basic schooling. Dóra Dúró, the party’s spokeswoman, said that it was that the people who failed to finish primary school should be allowed to study for four months.

“One hundred over-age, often antisocial people will be turned loose in primary schools for four months,” she said, adding that people will be there not to study but for the money.

She added that parents have already voiced concern over the welfare of their children during those four months. Zoltán Balog, the Minister for Human Resources, announced on Friday that 100,000 people employed under the government’s fostered workers scheme will be given the chance to complete their basic schooling.

The scheme is financed by the state and through EU funds, and people employed under the scheme will receive an entitlement of 49,000 forints (EUR 163) a month.


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