IFL Would Like To Extend Contacts And Friendship With Hungary

  • 11 Mar 2014 8:00 AM
IFL Would Like To Extend Contacts And Friendship With Hungary
The International Friendship League (IFL) was formed in England in 1931 to promote friendship through visits and exchanges mainly in Europe in the hope of developing more peaceful relationships between peoples many of whom were former enemies. IFL is a voluntary organisation with no political or religious affiliations and we support various charitable organisations around the world. Since 1931 IFL has continued to grow. There are IFL groups in Britain, Canada, France, Germany Portugal, Sweden,and in some African countries, and we have individual members in many other countries all around the world. Last year we held our International Assembly in Budapest.

I run IFL Pen Friends Overseas which seeks to establish friendships across international boundaries.

The first contact is always by letter though, of course, this can be followed up by email correspondence or by using Facebook or other social media if both 'penfriends' agree to it.

Most applicants wish to write in English although sometimes other languages are requested.

Anyone interested should go to our website www.iflworld.org where an application form can be downloaded and sent to the address on the form and where you can find out more about our organisation.

Words by Malcolm Walrond for XpatLoop.com

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