Jobbik Gaining Voters From Fidesz In Hungary

  • 12 Mar 2014 8:00 AM
Jobbik Gaining Voters From Fidesz In Hungary
Voters are moving toward Jobbik, chiefly from Fidesz, as the far-right party has been able to win over young working people in the provinces with a change of image, news website Origo reports. Director Tibor Závecz of Ipsos pollsters said Jobbik is favoured by 16-19% of decided party voters, as its support has grown mainly among middle-class people aged 20-30, primarily working in the provinces.

One third of the voters lost by Fidesz since 2010 ended up with Jobbik, and more than half of the radical party’s new voters are former Fidesz supporters, according to Medián research director László Beck.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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