Hungary’s PM Orbán Promises To Battle EU

  • 3 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
Hungary’s PM Orbán Promises To Battle EU
The Fidesz-led government has legislated to cut household utility bills and protect farmland from foreign speculators, but aspects of these laws are likely to be challenged in Brussels, and Hungary is ready to battle to defend the measures, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told the weekly Demokrata in an interview.

“In the election we must show that we are capable of standing up bravely and together for something in which we believe,” Orbán told the weekly.

He also said there should be certain matters in Hungarian political life over which rival political forces do not question, such as policies to boost the population and extend the embrace of the nation to Hungarians living beyond the borders.

On the topic of the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant, Orbán said the Socialists were using the issue to boost their poll ratings, and they would soon change their stance after the April 6 election. Speaking about Russia, the prime minister said that Europe was unable to swallow the fact that Russia does not organise and run itself as European democracies do.

The primary value of a European is freedom, whereas in Russia the question of how to keep such a huge country together is one that supersedes European values.

This is something that should be taken into consideration, and “we should try to handle our relations well, in the spirit of international law, rather than constantly lecturing them and thereby losing the opportunity for cooperation,” he added.


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