Britannica International School Budapest Summer Camp 2014
- 16 Jun 2014 9:04 AM

For children aged 5 – 12 between 30 June – 4 July 2014 and 7 – 11 July 2014 from Monday to Friday 09.00 – 16.00
The children will have English lessons every day and they will explore the language also through practical application.
One trip each week will be organised. At the end of both weeks we will invite the parents to view a show that will be performed by the children in the School Theatre.
The language of instruction is in English. Children will be placed in groups of similar ages.
Cost: 50.000,-Ft/week, which includes the full day programme, trips and 3 meals (morning and afternoon snacks, hot lunch).
Places may be booked for one week or for the full period offered.
Sign up today!
Contact information:
Britannica International School
1121 Budapest, Kakukk u. 1-3.
Telephone: 466 -9794
Click here to submit a registration form!
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