Victim of Cybercrime Wins Case Against Bank at Hungary's Highest Court

  • 18 Mar 2025 12:12 PM
Victim of Cybercrime Wins Case Against Bank at Hungary's Highest Court
The Kuria, Hungary's highest court, has ruled that a Hungarian whose bank account was compromised in a online scam was not grossly negligent, the National Bank of Hungary (NBH) said.

The victim's bank refused to cover their client's losses after being conned into sharing personal information on a fake website designed to look like the bank's, citing gross negligence.

An arbitration body run by the central bank decided the client was not liable for the loss. The bank contested that decision in court and lost in a first-instant ruling, but won on appeal.

The case was then brought before the Kuria which quashed the appellate court's decision and upheld the initial ruling.

The Kuria noted in the ruling that determining intent or gross negligence in such matters needed to be weighed on a case-by-case basis.

The NBH said the ruling had set a precedent for similar cases.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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