Jobbik Urges Stricter Refugee Policies In Hungary

  • 14 Aug 2014 9:00 AM
Jobbik Urges Stricter Refugee Policies In Hungary
The radical nationalist Jobbik party urges the government to tighten policies towards refugees, the party’s lawmaker said. Then number of asylum-seekers in Hungary has grown nine-fold over the past year, Mrs Lóránt Hegedűs told a news conference, citing a fresh report.

Hegedűs said the reason for the rise was a pressure on Hungary from the European Union and a one-time liberal refugee policy which states that refugees only have rights but no responsibilities.

Enikő Hegedűs said the problem puts a great financial burden on the country, and public safety standards drop near refugee camps, as do planned investments and real estate prices.

She added that low health-care standards including poor-quality screening in refugee camps pose health risks. Jobbik calls on immigration authorities to provide a clear picture on the situation and on the government to re-examine EU responsibilities, Hegedűs said.

She added that a possible solution is to make refugee camps self-financing and have stricter rules on accepting migrants. The number of asylum-seekers was up at nearly 20,000 in Hungary last year, up from an average of 2,000-3,000 in previous years, the daily Magyar Nemzet reported on Tuesday.

The highest number of applications for refugee status were submitted by Kosovars, Pakistanis, Afghans, Algerians and Syrians. Experts now also project a wave of refugees to arrive from Ukraine, the paper said.


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