Orbán: Hungary Has No Interest In Cold War

  • 20 Nov 2014 8:00 AM
Orbán: Hungary Has No Interest In Cold War
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said he would not contribute to any policy which risks returning the Cold War to Central Europe. As a NATO and EU member, Hungary “will be loyal to its allies” even if it disagrees with certain measures, he told the Hungarian Diaspora Council.

Hungary has always approved the policy of sanctions against Russia even though it suffers as a result. He pledged loyalty to allies but vowed full measures to defend the country’s economic interests. Describing Hungary as pro-Russian is “nonsense”.

“Hungary is pro-Hungarian.” Hungary has successfully established economic self-governance and “rebuttoned the EU coat,” he said.

A good European doesn’t “swallow anything” but stands up for national interests, he insisted, adding that economic success was vitally important as the only way to counterbalance the negative international views of the government’s guiding principles.

Orbán said it would be a hopeless effort to try to recover Hungary’s “dented international reputation” through ideological debates because the Hungarian government sees many things differently from the western mainstream.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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