Hungarian Animation At 100: Exhibition Held In Historical Building

  • 13 Feb 2015 8:04 AM
Hungarian Animation At 100: Exhibition Held In Historical Building
The Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) and the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts (MMOE) held a joint conference in the building of the Vigadó, central Budapest, on 10 February.

Following the conference, MMA’s vice president Marcell Jankovics, MOME rector József Fülöp and curator Anna Ida Orosz opened the exhibition “Hungarian Animation 100″ on the history of Hungarian animated film in the building’s Makovecz Hall.

The exhibition is open until 1 March in the historic building, which turned 150 years old this year.

The exhibition’s material is scheduled to be put on show at an animation awards ceremony in Tokyo, a Brussels building of the European Union and the Milan Fair.

Address: 1051 Budapest, Vigadó tér 2.

More information in Hungarian


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