Number Of Visitors To Hungary Continues To Increase After 2014 Sets Record

  • 13 Apr 2015 9:00 AM
Number Of Visitors To Hungary Continues To Increase After 2014 Sets Record
In February 2015, the number of guest nights spent in Hungary by foreign visitors increased by 11 per cent, while domestic guests accounted for a 9 per cent increase compared to figures for the identical period of the previous year, data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) has revealed. On the whole, the number of visitors to hotels and other places of accomodation increased by ten per cent in February, which resulted in a 11 per cent increase in gross revenue.

Hungary received 42 per cent more guests from Great Britain, 11 per cent more from Italy and 5.4 per cent more from Austria than in the identical period of the previous year. However, the number of guest nights decreased in the case of tourists from Russia, the Ukraine and Germany, by 36, 11 and 5.1 per cent respectively.

Inland guests spent 609 000 guest nights at commercial hospitality facilities, slightly above the 595 000 guest nights spent in Hungary by foreign tourists in Hungary. Overall, the number of foreign guests increased by 13 per cent and the number of guest nights by 11 per cent. In the case of domestic guests, the figures reflect a 9.6 and 9 per cent increase respectively.

Lakes Balaton and Tisza, two of the country’s natural highlights, were however less popular among both foreign and inland tourists this year than in 2014.

The increase comes shortly after it was announced that 2014 was a record year for the Hungarian hospitality industry, with filming crews alone spending 100 000 guests nights in the country.


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