Hungary’s President Calls For Greater Ambition In Tackling Climate Change

  • 6 May 2015 9:00 AM
Hungary’s President Calls For Greater Ambition In Tackling Climate Change
A more ambitious and committed agreement could emerge from the Paris climate summit “if we raise our voices against the pollution that causes climate change,” President János Áder told a press conference, announcing a new website dedicated to the issue. The president said no further proof was required to show that climate change and global warming were key social and political issues.

He invited people to register at to join former US president Al Gore’s campaign, whose goal is to gather one billion supporters ahead of the Paris summit.

Áder insisted the Paris summit would be a watershed moment, determining whether “we can make a responsible decision and use the opportunity at hand, or lose our control over climate change.”

The aim is to send a clear message to decision makers participating in the summit, and to convince them to put together a more ambitious and responsible agreement than the one currently in the works, he added.

The president noted that personal details would not be sent to the American side, in conformity with Hungary’s personal data rules.

Source - Visit Hungary Matters to sign-up for MTI’s twice-daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Kovács Tamás

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