More Britons And Less Russians Visit Hungary
- 7 Sep 2015 9:04 AM
As a result of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict the number of overnight stays spent by Russians and Ukrainians has decreased. The nights spent by Russians has fallen by 30.1% while there were only 16.4% fewer Ukrainian tourists in Hungary than last year.
Although the Balaton region has experienced the consequences of the conflict as well, the gross receipts of the hotels (not counting the hotels of Hévíz) have still increased by 4.4%.
The amount of SZÉP cards used in resorts has contributed to the total revenue of Hungarian hotels (25.939 billion HUF) by 23.3% (6.052 billion HUF). Several countries’ presence has grown in the first half of 2015.
There were more British (+24.2%), American (+13%), Italian (+10.7%), French (+7.9%), Czech (+6.6%), Polish (+5.6%), and Austrian (+5.4%) tourists in the country.
More and more people decide to pay a visit to Hungary from the nearby countries as well.
The number of Slovakian (+13.6%), Serbian (+8%) and Croatian (+7.5%) tourist has risen; however, the number of German tourists continues to decline similarly to previous years.
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