OECD Report: High Qualification Well Rewarded In Hungary
- 25 Nov 2015 8:00 AM
The report said Hungary has one of the largest pay gender gaps among OECD countries. OECD consultant Nóra Révai said that while on average, across OECD member states, women who hold higher education degrees earn 73% of what men with university degrees earn, that figure is 64% in Hungary, and the fourth lowest among OECD countries.
Révai said Hungary’s low share of higher education graduates meant that 22% of the young population is expected to obtain a higher education degree over their lifetime versus the OECD average of 36%.
She noted that the report found that government spending on education was cut to 83% from 2008 to 2012. T
his was the biggest drop in annual expenditure per student for that period among OECD countries, Révai said.
She said that based on the report’s findings, Hungary should make the teacher profession more attractive to young people, improve the overall quality of the profession and increase enrolment and graduation rates overall.
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