Curious Minds With Gregor Reti, Brody Studios, 14 July

  • 8 Jul 2016 9:02 AM
Curious Minds With Gregor Reti, Brody Studios, 14 July
Join us for an evening with Gregor Reti; a Los Angeles-based author and trainer who wrote the book 'Sex & Ego Death' and held workshops for over 2,500 people, among others at various Burning Man events.

Gregor had an explosive life: at the age of 13 he died, met God and lost all his death-related fears. It was a starting point for him to explore life to the fullest and pursue a life without limits, unfolding love and spirituality. He uses his teachings to fight for the ideal of sharing truth courageously and to show people how easy it is to gain inner peace and happiness by applying courage to share all truth.

Date and time: Thursday 14 July, 7 pm.
Venue: Brody Studios
Address: 1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 38.,


6 - 7pm: Arrival | wet your whistle with our summer cocktails
7 - 8 pm: Workshop with the author
Learn how to balance thoughts, not allowing self doubt to hold us back in life

About the workshop:

Every human has negative thoughts manifesting into negative feelings. Doubts can be the most devastating ones and the intensity depends on how much time we have invested into growing our awareness. Even highly developed individuals such as Mother Teresa, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Moses, Mohamed and Jesus had times when doubt clouded their thinking to a great degree.

Many of us become excited, even euphoric when we witness our first shifts on the wonderful journey towards higher consciousness, but somehow… BANG, major doubts set in and try to derail us. Especially at the beginning of our journey learning awareness, we will not be free of the ego, which will attempt to reclaim the driver’s seat in our lives...

Free entry  -  don't forget to RSVP via

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