Wedding & Ball Fair In Budapest, 28 - 29 January
- 26 Jan 2017 9:16 AM

The 'weddings, balls and festivals' exhibition in Budapest takes place at the end of January again in 2017, as it's a time of planning for weddings and is just before the ball season. Event visitors can get an overview of the market, a good idea about the prices, and can buy related products on the spot too.
Address details:
Papp László Sportaréna, Budapest, XIV. Stefánia út 2.
How to get there:
By car: Approachable from the direction of Kerepesi Street and Hungária Street.
By public transportation:
metro M2 (‘Stadionok’ station)
bus Nr. 30 or 95
trolley-bus 78 or 80
tram Nr. 1
Detailed program:
(in Hungarian):
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