DK Slams PM For ‘Petty Revenge’ On Adversaries

  • 4 Jul 2017 9:38 AM
DK Slams PM For ‘Petty Revenge’ On Adversaries
The leftist opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has called on the prime minister not to use public funds to finance his “petty revenge campaign” against his “former allies” US billionaire George Soros and businessman Lajos Simicska.

DK deputy leader László Varju said that “the government has covered the country with billboards once again”, this time showing an image of Soros.

Varju said it was “insane” that PM Viktor Orbán was using taxpayers’ money to “finance his dispute with his enemy of the moment”, and insisted that the government had spent a total 16.5 billion forints (EUR 53.4m) on similar billboards since last November.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

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