Hungarian Defence Minister Marks Memorial Day Of 1848 Martyrs

  • 6 Oct 2017 8:56 AM
Hungarian Defence Minister Marks Memorial Day Of 1848 Martyrs
Hungarians have a homeland only as long as they believe in the success of the national cause, defence minister István Simicskó said on Thursday in Budapest, marking the October 6 anniversary of the martyrs of 1848.

On October 6, 1849, thirteen officers of the Hungarian revolution and freedom fight and Lajos Batthyány, the first prime minister of independent Hungary, were executed for their parts in the defeated revolution of 1848-1849.

True defeat would have been never to try to fight, Simicskó said at the memorial event in the Petőfi Sándor military barracks in Budapest’s 11th district. “It is partly thanks to their efforts that we live in a free, independent and thriving state today”, Simicskó said.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Kovács Attila

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