Xpat Theatre: 'Captain's Treasure', 31 May
- 23 Mar 2018 6:31 PM
Arlecchino arrives to Pisa poor and hungry, hiding from his master Capitano.
But when he meets the pretty maid Columbina, he tries to keep his dignity by a lie - followed by dozens of other lies.
Will Arlecchino ever escape the web of lies he created?
"Produced by special arrangement with Heuer Publishing LLC of Cedar Rapids, Iowa."
An English language production starring adult students.
Date and time: 31 May, 7.30 pm
Venue: Spirit Színház
Address: 1023 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja 3-4.
Tickets: 1800 HUF
In cash in Spirit Színház or online here
E-mail: contact@dramaworks.hu
Tel: +36 20 316 7268
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