'European Conference On Positive Psychology', In Budapest, 27 – 30 June
- 21 Jun 2018 7:45 AM
This year for the 9th time the conference continues the best traditions of the former conferences with a special focus on “Positive psychology for a flourishing Europe in times of transitions”.
Sue Langley will be facilitating a workshop: Bringing Emotions to Life: Increasing Emotional Awareness and Agility, and presenting a keynote: Schneider Electric: Developing the next generation of positive, emotionally intelligent leaders globally.
The main themes of the conference is theory, basic and applied research and practice in positive psychology.
Positive psychology aims to reveal those factors which can facilitate human flourishing, both at a subjective, individual and group level. The special goal of this perspective is to make evidence-based studies about these ingredients which are revealed through the research of positive functioning.
Flow theory, wisdom, courage, virtues and strengths, happiness are some examples on these basic theoretical concepts of positive psychology.
In the applied level of positive psychological studies, researchers use the basic concepts and findings to reach an exact practical goal: for example to check how we can facilitate flow in schools, if there is a difference in subjective well-being in various age groups, or to see which strengths have more advantages in different jobs.
The practice of positive psychological findings are parallel with the academic, research-oriented side of the perspective.
The aim is to use evidence-based results in a way to help people flourishing: to make interventions for athletes for a better performance, to help students in engagement, to allow families to have more positive experiences together in order to increase their satisfaction with the relationship.
Register here
ELTE Conference Center
1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter stny. 1a
More: ecpp2018.akcongress.com
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