White Christmas In Budapest Becoming Unlikely

  • 20 Dec 2018 8:13 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
White Christmas In Budapest Becoming Unlikely
Despite the current cold snap, the chances of a white Christmas in Budapest are getting slimmer than earlier forecasts suggested, according to an update on meteorological website idokep.hu.

The website’s Christmas forecast predicts a 20-30% chance of snow on the ground around Christmas near Budapest.

Temperatures are expected to rise high enough to melt the existing covering of snow in the city, and to make rain the most likely form of precipitation around the holidays.

The highest chance of a white Christmas in Hungary will be around the North Hungarian Mountains, including the Bükk, Mátra, and Zemplén ranges (60-80%), idokep.hu says.

MTI Photo: Mohai Balázs

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