Video: ’DunaPart5’ Artistic Programme, 27 – 30 November

  • 26 Nov 2019 8:49 AM
Video: ’DunaPart5’ Artistic Programme, 27 – 30 November
DunaPart – Platform in Hungary is an initiative of Trafó House of Contemporary Arts in Budapest. DunaPart is organized biannually presenting the most interesting productions and initiatives from the independent theatre and dance field from Hungary.

The selection is done by Hungarian dance and theatre critiques and professionals. Theatre and dance programmes run parallel in the four days presenting 30 performances all in all.

The objective is to present the outstanding representatives and the upcoming new generation of the independent Hungarian performing arts scene, to help them and the whole field in their further integration in the international professional network.

Furthermore, the organisers aim to offer a platform to the Hungarian independent field to internationalise their work, to seek new opportunities for collaboration to be able to work in a more diverse context.

Also if you wish to come earlier and stay longer there are some recommendations in the city theatres in Budapest, which are outside the dunaPart programme but will have English subtitles:

26 November 7pm, Radnóti Theatre: 10
1st December, 3pm, Katona József Theatre: The Drunks
1st December, 7pm, Radnóti Theatre: A Market Day


Trafó House Of Contemporary Arts
1094 Budapest, Liliom u. 41.

Artus Studio
1116 Budapest, Sztregova u. 7.

Bethlen Theater
1071 Budapest, Bethlen Gábor tér 3.

Három Holló Café (Three Raven Café) 
1052 Budapest, Piarista köz 1.

Jurányi Production Community Incubator House
1027 Budapest, Jurányi u. 1.

MU Theatre
1117 Budapest, Kőrösy József u. 17.

National Dance Theatre
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.

Sín Arts Centre
1139 Budapest, Gyutacs utca 10. 

Studio K Theatre

Szkéné Theatre
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.

Workshop Foundation
1027 Budapest, Jurányi u. 1 - 3. 4th floor


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