Monthly Number Of Deaths In Hungary Highest Since 2000

  • 21 Dec 2020 7:23 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Monthly Number Of Deaths In Hungary Highest Since 2000
In Hungary, 15,366 people lost their lives in November 2020, which is the highest monthly number of deaths since January 2000, which was then caused by the peaking seasonal flu epidemic, according to data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH).

The number of deaths increased by 52% (5,279 people) compared to November 2019. 

According to, the COVID-19 pandemic has been responsible for 7,725 deaths so far this year.

Deaths rose to a higher extent than the number of births, and because of this, the natural decrease over the month was 8,032, which was a growth of 190% on 2,772 in November 2019.

The number of marriages decreased by 14%; 3,661 couples got married, 595 fewer than in November 2019.

Both deaths and births up year-on-year in January-November 2020

In January-November 2020, some 84,975 children were born, 4.4% or 3,563 more than in January–November 2019.

The number of live births was 8.8% higher in January–February, 2.3% larger in March–May, 9.1% higher in June, 2.6% larger in July–August and 3.4% higher in September–November compared to the corresponding periods of 2019, KSH notes.

The total fertility rate was estimated at 1.56 per female, compared with 1.49 for the first 11 months of 2020.

There were 122,302 deaths in January-November, 3.3% or 3,909 more than one year earlier.

13% fewer people died in January–February and 2% fewer in May–July, while 1.8% more in March–April, 2.5% more in August–September, 16% more in October, and 52% more in November than a year earlier.

As a result of the significant rise in the number of deaths in October–November, the natural decrease was 37,327, which was an increase of 0.9% compared to 36,981 in January–November 2019.

Some 63,994 couples got married, which was 3.1% or 1,946 more than in the same period of 2019.

About 101% more marriages were registered in January–March, 8.9% more in April and 8.3% more in September–October, while 15% fewer in May–August and 14% fewer in November than in the corresponding periods of 2019.

There were 9.5 live births and 13.7 deaths per 1,000 population.

Both data were 0.4 per mille point higher than in the period of January–November 2019.

Because of all this, the 4.2 per mille rate of the natural decrease was only slightly higher than one year earlier.

The number of infant deaths was 3.4 per 1,000 live births in January–November 2020, which was 0.4 per mille point fewer than in January–November of the previous year. 

The marriage rate was 7.2 per mille, 0.2 per mille point more compared to the same period of 2019.

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