City Centre Housing Prices Drop In Budapest

  • 11 May 2021 11:26 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
City Centre Housing Prices Drop In Budapest
The average price of flats in central Budapest was Ft 762,000 per square metre in the first four months, down by 5% year-on-year, property agency Otthon Centrum reports.

The data is for non-prefabricated concrete homes.

The average price was Ft 835,000 per square metre in Buda, up by 6%.

In the outer regions of Pest, prices were up 5% to Ft 606,000 per square metre.

Traditional home prices saw increases of 10% in the 11th District in Buda, and 6% in the 10th, 14th, 18th and 19th Districts.

There were declines of nearly 10% in the Fourth and 15th Districts.

Prices of pre-fabricated concrete flats were Ft 659,000 per square metre in the 11th District and Ft 653,000 in the 13th.

The average price for a concrete flat was Ft 607,000 per square metre in Buda and Ft 512,000 per square metre in the outer districts of Pest.

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