Watch: V4-Macron Talks in Hungary - ‘High Chance of Success’

  • 14 Dec 2021 8:54 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Watch: V4-Macron Talks in Hungary - ‘High Chance of Success’
Viktor Orbán, in a joint press release with the French president issued before a meeting with the Visegrad Group, said: "We are in agreement when it comes to patriotism, strengthening Europe and [Europe's] strategic autonomy."

Without a European defence industry, the Hungarian prime minister said, there is no strategic autonomy. Nuclear energy and agricultural self-sufficiency are also related prerequisites, he added.

“This is why we are in favour of a joint European defence policy, nuclear energy, and a strong agricultural sector in Europe,” Orbán said, adding that chances of successful negotiations were high.

Orbán said President Macron was respected in Hungary, adding that “since France is home to the Encyclopaedists”, he accepted the definition the French president had recently applied to them both: “We’re both political opponents and European partners”.

Macron urged European cooperation when it comes to protecting the bloc’s external borders. Though France and Hungary have their disagreements, France is a loyal partner of Hungary and pro-European, the president said.

France values patriotism and the mutual respect it and the other member states have for each other, he added. Macron also thanked Hungary for its commitment to the fight against terrorism.

MTI / PM's press office photo: Zoltán Fischer

Related links

Hungarian Opinion: President Macron in Budapest

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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.