Fitch Sees Successful Relaunch Of Hungary's Economy, Says Finance Minister

  • 31 Jan 2022 7:24 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Fitch Sees Successful Relaunch Of Hungary's Economy, Says Finance Minister
The relaunch of Hungary’s economy has gone successfully in the assessment of Fitch Ratings, which recently confirmed Hungary’s credit rating, Mihály Varga, the finance minister wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

Fitch continues to mark Hungary’s rating as investment grade with a stable outlook, Varga noted.

The agency expects strong growth and various indices to move into balance in the following period, the minister said.

Moody’s upgraded Hungary last September, he noted, and Hungary is now recommended for investment by all three major credit rating agencies.

“Not only do investors trust in the Hungarian economy but ratings agencies do, too” Varga said.

MTI Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák

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