Orbán Pledges to Protect Hungary from Dangers, Says “Suffering” Ahead for Europe’s Economies

  • 30 Apr 2022 7:52 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Orbán Pledges to Protect Hungary from Dangers, Says “Suffering” Ahead for Europe’s Economies
Following President János Áder’s announcement that he had asked incumbent premier Viktor Orbán to form Hungary’s next government, the prime minister pledged that the members of his new government would “protect Hungary from the dangers of the next decade…” Orbán said “suffering” lay ahead of Europe’s economies and added that the coronavirus pandemic was not over.

On April 3, Hungarian voters “made a clear decision showing that they expect the country’s leaders to protect them against those hardships”.

“We must stay out of the war and address challenges of an emerging European economic crisis in a way that Hungary can retain its achievements,” he said.

Orbán added that the incumbent government’s recent measures, such as extending caps on the prices of fuels and food, as well as rising pensions, had been designed to that end.

Orbán declined to disclose details about his preparations for the new government, but said negotiations were under way with ministerial candidates, adding that the selection of ministers was determined by “an understanding of the tasks for the next four years”.

He said his negotiations were aimed at finding candidates for the full four years because “life quickly changes and Hungary needs a government which can provide the best answers to topical challenges”.

MTI Photo

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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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