Mayor of Budapest Visits His Counterpart in Kyiv

  • 12 Jan 2023 10:19 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Mayor of Budapest Visits His Counterpart in Kyiv
Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony arrived in Kyiv on Wednesday, at the invitation of Vitaliy Klychko, mayor of the Ukrainian capital, Karácsony’s office said.

Karácsony is scheduled to participate in official talks between mayors of capitals in the Visegrad Group and senior Ukrainian officials and European Union diplomats.

The talks will focus on infrastructural and humanitarian aid to Kyiv from Budapest, Bratislava, Prague, and Warsaw, the mayor’s office said.

The statement quoted Karácsony speaking at an international press conference on arrival as expressing solidarity with the Ukrainian people and the residents of Kyiv suffering from the war in Ukraine.

“Budapest stands by Ukraine. The Hungarian government is not the same as Hungary.

Though the Hungarian government often acts in line with the interests of aggressor [Russian] President Putin, millions of Hungarians, with many Budapest residents among them will demonstrate their solidarity with attacked Ukraine and reject attempts to obscure the difference between the aggressor and the victim,” the statement quoted Karácsony as saying.

“Peace is not possible unless the endeavours of the Ukrainian people are successful, unless Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty is restored and Russian troops leave Ukrainian territory,” the mayor added.

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