Salary Shocker: Some Hungarian Teachers Commute to Romania for Higher Pay

  • 8 Jun 2023 9:25 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Salary Shocker: Some Hungarian Teachers Commute to Romania for Higher Pay
Teachers are so poorly paid in Hungary that some educators in Békés county commute to Romania to teach, newly elected Teachers’ Union president Tamás Totyik told the website Pénzcentrum.

He said the salary of Romanian career-starting teachers is a net €50 more than that of their Hungarian counterparts and they have to teach only 18 hours a week.

The government promises to make the profession more attractive to starting teachers by giving them a 10% pay raise, but Totyik said this is inadequate, as the average salary of career-starting teachers is just 55% of the average salary of career starters with a degree.

Totyik said the power of the private sphere to lure teachers away is considerable, as, for example, nobody will work for a gross monthly salary of Ft 390,000 as an IT teacher, if they can get Ft 1 million at an IT company.

MTI Photo: János Nemes

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