Magyar Books Whole Train on Light Railway in Orbán’s Hometown of Felcsút

  • 22 May 2024 2:42 PM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Magyar Books Whole Train on Light Railway in Orbán’s Hometown of Felcsút
Péter Magyar will visit Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s hometown of Felcsút on Friday afternoon and will travel there via the little-used light railway that the government built for the town with EU funds.

The light railway, meant as a tourist attraction built with EU support, has been running between the Felcsút stadium and the Alcsútdoboz arboretum since 2016, carrying very few passengers, and by 2020 it had generated a loss of more than Ft 23 million, Telex writes.

In announcing his plans, Magyar said he has rented the entire train for that afternoon, adding “The annual utilization will probably double".

More generally, Magyar talked about the problems, obsolescence, and neglect of the Hungarian railways as he made the announcement while campaigning in Kiskunfélegyháza.

The Váli-völgy light railway, as it is officially called, is operated by the Felcsúti Utánpótlás Nevelésért Foundation.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Máthé


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