Film Stars in Budapest: Russell Crowe & Rami Malek Filming WWII Historical Thriller

  • 14 Jun 2024 6:54 AM
  • Budapest Reporter
Film Stars in Budapest: Russell Crowe & Rami Malek Filming WWII Historical Thriller
Deadline has unveiled the first look images from “Nuremberg,” a World War II movie starring Russell Crowe as Hermann Göring and Rami Malek as Lt. Colonel Douglas Kelley.

 Directed and written by James Vanderbilt, the film is based on Jack El-Hai’s book “The Nazi and the Psychiatrist,” and explores a military psychiatrist’s evaluations of Nazi leaders.

Currently filming in Budapest, Hungary, the movie offers a fresh perspective on the Nuremberg trials.

Vanderbilt was inspired by the personal story between Kelley and Göring, stating, “I was really attracted to the idea of telling a personal story between them and how they collided at this crossroads in history.”

The official synopsis reads: “American psychiatrist Douglas Kelley, tasked with determining whether Nazi prisoners are fit to stand trial for their war crimes, finds himself in a complex battle of wits with Hitler’s right-hand man Hermann Göring.”

The cast includes Colin Hanks, Mark O’Brien, Michael Shannon, Richard E. Grant, John Slattery, Leo Woodall, and Lydia Peckham.

“Nuremberg” is produced by a team including Richard Saperstein, William Sherak, Brad Fischer, Vanderbilt, and Istvan Major.

With Budapest‘s rich history and versatile locations, it continues to attract major film projects, showcasing Hungary as a prominent hub for international filmmaking.


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