World-Renowned Dr. Gabor Mate Receives High Hungarian State Award

  • 21 Oct 2024 5:58 AM
World-Renowned Dr. Gabor Mate Receives High Hungarian State Award
President Tamas Sulyok has awarded the Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary to Gabor Mate, a world-renowned Canadian-Hungarian physician and author, Hungary's Embassy in Ottawa has said on its social media site.

The honour was presented to Mate by Ambassador Maria Vass-Salazar at a ceremony that took place as part of commemorations marking the anniversary of Hungary's 1956 revolution and freedom fight at the embassy on Thursday.

"This exclusive and highly significant award ceremony was attended by 150 prominent guests, including the Minister of Mental Health of Ontario, Senators and Members of Parliament, the Foreign and Defence Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister, Ambassadors, university leaders, distinguished members of the cultural scene and the Hungarian community," the embassy said. It said that the event was also attended by Anna Szenthe, Canadian President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council.

Mate "is one of today's most influential and globally recognized physicians, known for his accomplishments in addressing trauma, stress, childhood development, and addiction, as well as his groundbreaking interdisciplinary work," the embassy said.

Mate was born in Hungary and immigrated to Canada after the crushing of the 1956 revolution. He worked for decades as a practicing physician and opened up new perspectives on the connection between mental health and the psychological background of physical problems. His five bestselling books have been translated into over 40 languages, and he is a sought-after speaker worldwide, said the embassy.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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