'Ice World Exhibition', Museum of Natural History in Budapest

  • 23 Jan 2024 3:17 PM
'Ice World Exhibition', Museum of Natural History in Budapest
This special 'Ice World Show' together with its skating rink provide a great experience, plus knowledge and entertainment for all members of the family.

Now on until 17 February, the exhibition presents some of the most spectacular animal species of the Last Ice Age, as well as today’s polar and tundra regions.

Although some of these species are extinct, many still exist but are endangered due to Climate Change, hence they are currently on the brink of extinction.

Climate Change, along with the role of humans in its process, is a cross-border, global social problem, which is essential to learn about and introduce to the younger generations in order to create a more sustainable and liveable future.

Therefore, Hungarian Natural History Museum aims to fulfil its important mission of contributing to the development of environmental attitudes of visitors through their museum experience.


The number of people allowed to be on the skating rink at the same time is limited, hence registration is always required. You can either preregister online via korcsolya@nhmus.hu no later than the day before your chosen date and time, or you can register on the spot, at the information desk.

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2-6.


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