Concerns Over Food Pricing Communication Signalled by Hungarian Watchdog
- 31 Jan 2025 12:24 PM

In the circular sent to a number professional organisations representing food producers and processors, GVH head Csaba Balazs Rigo said announcements on the need for price increases of certain basic foodstuffs could lead to uniform pricing and be in breach of free market competition while contributing to inflationary pressure.
GVH instructed the recipients of the letter to review their communication practices and make changes that would promote the interests of producers and processors in a more competition-friendly manner.
The recipients have 60 days during which to voluntarily respond to the circular, outlining steps to bring their practices into compliance.
GVH said it was following closely price developments of some products, such as eggs and dairy products, at certain supermarket chains and would intervene if necessary.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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