Updated: Hungary Launches HUF 2 Billion Digital Development Scheme for SMEs

  • 6 Feb 2025 8:24 AM
Updated: Hungary Launches HUF 2 Billion Digital Development Scheme for SMEs
State secretary for employment policy Sandor Czomba on Wednesday announced the launch of a HUF 2bn programme to support digital infrastructure developments at SMEs.

The funding is expected to boost local SMEs' competitiveness, increase market share, improve worker skills and promote new hires, Czomba said.

Businesses may apply for grants of between HUF 10m and HUF 80m to cover up to 70pc of project costs.

The application deadline is February 13, 2025.

Govt eases conditions for subsidised credit for tech upgrades at SMEs

The government will ease the conditions for subsidised credit for SMEs to support purchases of equipment and make technology upgrades, widening the scope of eligible businesses, state secretary Richard Szabados said.

The cap on the credit will be raised to HUF 150m from HUF 100m for projects outside of Budapest and to HUF 75m from HUF 50m for projects in the capital.

The advance payment threshold for tangible assets will be raised to 100pc from 50pc, and a minimum headcount condition will be scrapped.

The threshold for spending on ICT and digital assets will be raised to 40pc from 30pc, and the period for implementing projects will be extended to 24 from 18 months.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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