Is Drinking Tap Water Safe in Hungary?
- 5 Feb 2025 9:29 AM

Cecilia Muller, the chief public health officer, on Tuesday met Democratic Coalition (DK) lawmaker Agnes Vadai to respond to her questions regarding the quality of drinking-water in Hungary, the NNGYK said.
Hungary has a comprehensive and continuous system of controls in place to ensure the quality of drinking-water, they said, adding that all water works operated according to a drinking-water safety plan in order to prevent or address any "extraordinary developments should they arise".
Hungary was among the first countries in Europe to introduce drinking-water safety planning at the initiative of internationally-renowned experts, the NNGYK said.
They said Vadai had been shown that Hungary had comprehensive regulations in place for monitoring the quality of drinking-water, and that the relevant authorities "are doing their job".
The NNGYK called on the public to seek information from reliable sources.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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