New Figures Show Inflation Rising in Hungary, Tisza Leader Reveals Contrary to Government's "Lies"
- 16 Jan 2025 9:56 AM

Magyar said in a statement that over the past four years, food prices had been increasing at a shockingly high rate and it was the price of basic food stuff that had soared at the highest rate "on January 1 this year".
He said that food price inflation in Hungary had been two and a half times higher than the European Union average, adding that food prices in Hungary are now higher than the EU average.
Magyar said that Prime Minister Viktor Orban who was still on holiday in India "would normally not talk about the fact that as a result of 'flawed' economic measures, such as a record-high VAT in Europe, special retail taxes and another nine types of taxes, the price of white bread has gone up in four years by 163 percent , the price of milk by 124 percent, and the price of eggs by 112 percent".
Magyar added that a family of four had to spend on average 92,000 forints (EUR 220) more on food now than four years ago.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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