Zwack Earnings Boosted by Better Than Expected Holiday Season in Hungary

  • 5 Feb 2025 11:17 AM
Zwack Earnings Boosted by Better Than Expected Holiday Season in Hungary
After-tax profit of Zwack Unicum, Hungary's biggest spirits maker, rose 8pc to HUF 3.5bn in Q1-Q3 of its business year started April 1, an earnings report published shows.

Net sales revenue increased 10pc to HUF 21.0bn.

Zwack said the first half of the business year had been "somewhat unimpressive", but the holiday season was "markedly better than expected", with Q3 after-tax profit climbing 17pc.

Zwack also said it had raised prices by 4.7pc on average from January 1, 2025 to keep up with an excise duty hike and higher feedstock prices due to the weaker forint.

For the full business year, Zwack expects after-tax profit to be similar to that in the previous year.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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