XpatLoop Interview: Ádám Dudits, Former Managing Director of SAP Labs Hungary.

  • 4 Feb 2013 11:00 AM
XpatLoop Interview: Ádám Dudits, Former Managing Director of SAP Labs Hungary.
Ádám Dudits is the managing director of SAP Labs Hungary. This development center which employs 250 people heavily contributes to the innovations that the world’s largest business software company offes to its clients – including Hungarian businesses. Before his current position, he served as the marketing director of SAP Hungary, and had gained a solid career record in public administration.

For the last two years he has also organized the company’s university alliance program in Central and Eastern Europe.

Adam is committed to the development of younger generations; he regularly holds lectures at universities and contributed to the fact that SAP in Hungary has been awarded with the title ”One of the best workplaces to start a career”.

1. Where did you grow up?
I grew up as a second child in a suburb of Budapest, Budakeszi, where I still live. As a small child, I became a fan of cycling here, which is still one of my hobbies. I also attended secondary school here. I first moved out from Budakeszi for a longer period when I studied at the College for Foreign Trade.

2. If you could be an expat anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
There are many. For example I had been an expat in Cuba, and have remarkable memories from there. During the trips with my family, I saw breathtaking sceneries in Scandinavia that also captured my heart.

3. What would you miss most if you moved away from Hungary?
My friends, Budapest, which is one of the loveliest cities in Europe. When I’m crossing a bridge over the Danube and see the city – that feeling I could not get anywhere else.

4. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend - what must they absolutely see and do?
Some time ago I had the honour of having the managing directors of other Lab units from all other the world here. We took a boat trip on the Danube, and enjoyed a wine dinner.

5. What is your favourite food?
Rack of lamb in spicy bark. But out of what I can prepare at home – because I cook regularly – it’s steak tartare (tatárbifsztek).

6. What is your favourite sport / form of exercise?
Apart from cycling, running and swimming helps me fight stress. Last summer, some colleagues and I took part in a cycling race around lake Balaton (nearly 200km). I’m really proud of that!

7. What is your favourite place in Hungary?
The small villages in the Balaton hills, and the Zemplén mountains. I also like to spend time in Balatonföldvár, and in the Őrség area. I have many fond memories from these places.

8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?
To work at an aid organisation, where I can help the less fortunate. Luckily, the company that I work for has a strong corporate social responsibillity focus, and I’m heavily involved in these efforts as well.

9. What’s a job you would definitely never want?
A job where I would have to convince people to do things that are not to their advantage.

10. Where did you spend your last vacation?
In Austria, hiking in the mountains with my family.

11. Where do you hope to spend your next one?
I’d like to have a longer one, to spend a month or so in Scotland.

12. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen?
I still like the music of Smokie. Regarding films, as a teen, the movie Becket starring Richard Burton made such an impression on me, that when I first had a chance to visit the United Kingdom, I immediately went to see Canterbury Cathedral for myself.

13. Apart of temptation what can't you resist?
Enjoying the finer pleasures of life and travelling.

14. Red wine or white?
Both; earlier I was more for red wines, but lately I prefer white ones.

15. Book or movie?
I prefer to read a book, but I like both. I rarely watch TV though. The last book I read (re-read, actually) was Ken Follet’s Pillars of the Earth.

16. Morning person or night person?
Night person.

17. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about?
Children battling illness and poverty.

18. Buda or Pest side?
I was born on the Buda side, and many nice things in my life, including my youth, ties me to the right side of Danube.

19. Which achievement in your life are you most pleased about?
My biggest professional achievement was to build up, and succesfully manage SAP Labs Hungary, the Hungarian development center of SAP. Every time I come to the office, this inspires me to do my very best. So, in one word: my current job. From a personal point of view, I’m really proud of my children, Álmos (17) and Luca (16).

20. What would you say is your personal motto?
I’ve experienced myself the truth of these mottos many times: „Help yourself and god will help you along the way” and ”In unity lies strength”.

  • How does this interview make you feel?