Maria Gyurics, Painter
- 2 Dec 2021 1:40 PM

Here is her webside:
1. Where did you grow up?
A native of Hungary, I was born in the beautiful city of Győr, famous for it's rivers, including Rába and Danube.
2. If you could be an expat anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
With a passion for nature and practicing meditation, I would choose Bali! An ocean view would inspire so much inspiration for creating new art.
3. What would you miss most if you moved away from Hungary?
Surely I'd miss family, friends, and Hungarian cuisine!
4. Friends are in Budapest for a weekend - what must they absolutely see and do?
Hungarian landmarks start with visiting our historical bridges. I would suggest not to plan anything, choose random locations! Budapest is truly a walker's city. We have many great restaurants and venues. Budapest is great for dining, music, exhibition, and socializing.
5. What is your favourite food?
I love hot, thin-crust, quality Italian pizza! We also are a vast selection of Hungarian soups to choose from. I also love Gulyas! So much color and veggies inside!!! Yummy!
6. What is your favourite sport / form of exercise?
My favorite sport is going to the gym with my trainer. Every day she surprises me with challenging workout routines. Meditation and proper breathing technics are also a fitness focus for me.
7. What is your favourite place in Hungary?
Spending time at Lake Balaton is another one of my favorite Hungarian locations. I have so many fond memories from my childhood! I love sightseeing as well as swimming in the lake during the summer months. Füred, Almádi, Tihany are some of my favorite Balaton locations.
8. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?
I enjoy sharing my art. Art can help people understand each other's feelings. Art show's us how to appreciate life and share our uniqueness.
9. What’s a job you would definitely never want?
I'm not interested in monotone work. I love to be creative!
10. Where did you spend your last vacation?
Before the pandemic, I traveled to Norway. What a fantastic experience! I want to visit again for sure.
11. Where do you hope to spend your next one?
Bali. I've been planning for quite some time!
12. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen?
My favorite band? Backstreet boys. Favorite movie? Home alone! My favorite hobby will always be painting!
13. Apart of temptation what can't you resist?
Listening to music is my greatest temptation. When I hear a great song, I must sing along or dance to it! I also enjoy going to exhibitions and hearing stories from artists. I enjoy viewing artwork and creating stories of my own.
14. Red wine or white?
White, and sometimes Red.
15. Book or movie?
Both, but if I had to choose, and being a visual person, it would be a great movie.
16. Morning person or night person?
Again, Both. I love sleeping and getting up early in the morning with a hot cup of coffee.
17. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about?
We are one. The beauty is we have so many experiences that we need to share and learn from each other.
18. Buda or Pest side?
Buda for living, Pest for night life. I've lived on the Pest side in my youth, but now that I'm getting older, I prefer Buda living.
19. Which achievement in your life are you most pleased about?
I am very proud of my talent as an artist. When I was a child, I knew early on I would be an artist. I recently began my art business! I am pleased about this.
20. What would you say is your personal motto?
Just be yourself, and be kind always! -Maria Gyurics