Interview Two: Dr. Judit Szegő, Partner Of Korecz-Szegő Law Firm

  • 13 Sep 2024 1:24 PM
Interview Two: Dr. Judit Szegő, Partner Of Korecz-Szegő Law Firm
1. What’s been happening at work and at home since your first Xpat Interview?

Click here to read Judit's first interview.

Work is busy these days at my law firm, we try to expand but still preserve our frinedly atmosphere. My daughter started secondary school, so it involves changes and new challenges, and we adopted a new dog recently.

2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you with your life in Hungary, and why?

7- I'm really happy with my close environment (family, friends and colleagues) but I'm unhapy to see the state of the Hungarian education and healthcare.

3. What’s the best party you’ve been to in the past year, and why?

Birthday party of a close friend.

4. What’s your favourite drink?


5. What hidden talents do you have? 

When I was a kid, I could talk backwards.

6. What was the most interesting travel trip you have ever taken?

A week long horseback riding trip this year in Tarifa.

7. If you were given a wish that could come true, what would you ask for?

Long, healthy life for me and my family.

8. What’s the last book you read, and movie you watched?

Book: Where the Crawdads Sing,
Movie:  Anatomy of a fall

9. If someone wrote a biography about you, what would the title be?

Hope nobody wants to write a biography about me :)

10. What is the perfect pizza toppings combination for you?

Quattro Stagioni

11. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

Angelina Jolie

12. On a scale of 1 to 10 how unusual are you, and why?

6 - Anyone who knows me knows why.

13. What’s the best website you’ve ever visited, and why?

I really like travel blogs and websites, but I don't have a favourite.

14. Who do you admire the most, and why?

The everyday heroes who hold on even when everyone else would give up.

15. What do you like best and least about living in Hungary?

See question no. 2.

16. What has made the biggest impact on your life so far, and why? 

Years ago, I got very sick and was in the hospital for several weeks, then I realized that health is not everything, but without health there is nothing.

17. If you won USD 30 million, what would you do with the money?

 First, I would definitely buy at least 2 horses and travel for several months, but I don't think my life would fundamentally change. For sure, I would donate even more to animal welfare causes.

18. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

" It’s my life" from Bon Jovi.

19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

Italy or Southern Spain.

20. In ten years from now what will you be doing?

 I hope to be able to do the same as I do now with more free time and travel.


  • How does this interview make you feel?