Telekom Donation Line For People With Impairment In Their Communication
- 5 Jul 2010 1:00 AM

Bliss Foundation focuses its activity on bridging the gap caused by impaired human communication. One should have in mind people who lack the ability to speak due to some physical impairment, although they are in full or almost full possession of their intellectual ability.
The most frequent cause is some brain injury suffered during birth or due to some progressive illnesses of the nerve system, as well as brain damage or cerebral injury due to some accident. In the Bliss Centre, which is unique in Hungary, mainly children and young people are treated. The target group is typically totally disabled: their disability usually affecting all the four limbs is accompanied by the lack of speech, which forces the affected children into segregation from a very early age.
A method to ameliorate or compensate for deficient communication emerging as a side effect of this multiple injury is the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This method requires an especially individual approach and expensive devices, as well as the harmonious collaboration of several professionals.
Aside their serious bodily impairment yet sound intellect, affected people are unable to speak because they suffered some damage in their central nerve system during birth or due to some subsequent illness or accident. A considerable part of their communication problems emerging through their disability to speak can be solved with the help of AAC. Bliss language is a system of symbols, with the help of which people unable to speak can communicate.
If necessary, the foundation receives families from various parts of the country for examination and consulting. They also provide training, retraining and session visits for several hundreds of to be or practicing experts each year. More details about the organisation are available at web site.
As a leading infocommunication provider, Magyar Telekom considers it important to support preventive health care in Hungary. The Telekom Donation Line known from the slogan: "1788 - the humane line" has been operating for eight years and can be accessed from Magyar Telekom's fixed line and mobile network.
Calls and text messages initiated from either line cost HUF 100, which amount is tax-free (exception: calls initiated from Domino prepaid cards). The price of all calls received over the two months will go as a donation of the callers to the Bliss Foundation, who will use the funds towards maintaining and expanding their services, treatments and training."