Hungarian MP Pension Loophole Sneaked Into Law

  • 24 Sep 2010 1:00 AM
Hungarian MP Pension Loophole Sneaked Into Law
"MPs can retire five years earlier than ordinary people and receive a pension equal to their salary due to an amendment that was buried in the 2010 Budget Act, reported Thursday.

The amendment motion to the 1997 Social Insurance Pensions Act passed in May 2009, was submitted by the then social affairs and labour minister Erika Szűcs.

However, the single, lengthy sentence to improve the plight of retiring MPs was not included in that law, Index noted, but in the budget law passed later that year.

The amendment will enable 51 former MPs to retire, tabloid Blikk calculated. To date just four MPs have confirmed a wish to retire: Socialists Gábor Csizmár, Pál Filló, György Jánosi and Free Democrat Bálint Magyar."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock.

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