Three Nigerian Men Arrested for Drug Trafficking in Budapest's Party District
- 6 Jan 2025 1:15 PM

Budapest police also witnessed three drug deals before arresting a Nigerian man who sold drugs to three customers in District 7 in December.
After the transactions were completed, the Budapest police arrested and detained the dealer and his customers. Proceedings were opened against the customers for drug possession.
BRFK investigators searched the drug dealer's apartment in District VIII and arrested two of the man's associates, also from Nigeria. In addition, they found more than four kilograms of green plant debris suspected of being drugs, almost 175 grams of white powder, and nearly 3.3 million forints and the equivalent of 740 thousand forints in euros.
It was reported that the police found the white powder in so-called "swallow" capsules, in which the drug is usually smuggled through the stomach.
According to available police information, the three African men were distributing drugs from abroad in and around Wesselényi Street, the party district of Budapest, and their arrest was preceded by coordinated police actions.
One of them tried to flush some of the drugs down the toilet in the apartment.
When the three Nigerian men handed over the documents they had to investigators, it turned out that all three documents contained the same personal information; they had the same name and were born at the same time.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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