New OBI Website Is 'Alpha & Omega Of Home Improvement In Hungary'
- 25 Nov 2010 12:00 AM

„While developing the structure and the design of the new website we continuously took the standpoint of the customer.” – told Gyöngyi Illés, marketing director of OBI Hungary. “Based on the regular feedback received from them we were able to define the problems our customers seek answer for at us, the ideas they look for, and the fields they consider particularly important.
We think that in our age customers expect two different things that may seem contradictory at the first glance. On the one hand, they wish to find their way easily and quickly among the products and be able to purchase the article they specifically look for, while on the other hand they expect our salespersons and our product displays to help them with new ideas, advice, put them wise and give them a common thought.
Our renewed homepage intends to fulfil both functions. We help in the preparation and the planning process with ideas, pieces of advice and the detailed explanation of each stage of the given work, while the website also contains up-to-date information needed to locate a store and to find one’s way through the products and services, while it gives an overview of our special offers as well. Therefore, all elements of selecting and buying goes easily with us” – told Gyöngyi Illés.
Presently the renewed homepage, accessible at the previous address files up 15 purchasing and 10 project guidelines. These help the interested ones already at the planning phase to be able to estimate the material needs and the timeline of battening the laminated floor, renewing the roof sealing, installing a wash-basin or forming a garden path. Detailed shopping lists assist to putting together the necessary material and equipment.
The virtual leaflet provides information about the products on sale, while the services offered by the stores are enlisted respectively for each of the 25 stores. Following the purchase and home delivery one can understand each work stage and can get tips from the downloadable and printable presentations containing the phases of each activity, also illustrated by photos.
The new homepage places special emphasis on the interactivity and on tailor-made information formed to fit each interested visitor. In order to reach the stores easily a route-planner offers the precise distance, the running-time and routing directions; via the direct contact possibility the visitors can easily clarify specific questions; while the press room offers downloadable photos for journalists and all interested people.
„With our new website we wish to acquire a leading position among the homepages dedicated to DIY, home and environment improvement while we are consolidating our market leader position. We think we are on the best way to reach this trend-setter role that is also proved by the Superbrands prize won for the third time. The fact that after 2006 and 2008 the jury regarded OBI a prominent brand again, shows that our efforts made for strengthening customer loyalty, renewing our merchandising concept and maintaining a fair relationship with all our partners have turned to be fruitful. We do everything to reinforce our customers’ confidence and this is clearly acknowledged by this award.” – told Gyöngyi Illés.
The Superbrands prize was granted for the sixth time this year by a jury made up of independent brand experts. The common feature of the grantees coming from different fields of the business is that the values that their brands represent offer special emotional and objective benefits, expected and acknowledged by the players of the business community, this is the reason they trust them.
The independent professional value of the Superbrands award is demonstrated by the fact that the selection of candidates as well as the decision is exclusively based on the personal experience and expertise of the judges. Companies cannot apply or register for consideration.
OBI opened its first store in Hungary in 1994. With the largest number of stores among the competitors, 6 in Budapest and 19 in the countryside, OBI offers a total of 181.000 m2 sales space and 1870 employees. Last year the chain welcomed 16 million visitors, out of which 8,3 million become customers.
Of the DIY market players, OBI received first the Superbrands award in 2004, to be repeated in 2008 and in 2010. These acknowledgements have reinforced OBI’s position among the best known and most appreciated brands."
Fo rmore information please contact: Gyöngyi Illés