Invitation: All Nations Lions Club Gala Charity Concert In Budapest

  • 27 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
Invitation: All Nations Lions Club Gala Charity Concert In Budapest
This year the Lions is organizing its tenth Gala Concert to raise funds in support of those in need: this time the proceeds from the concert will go towards the Foundation of the Bethersda Children’s Hospital in Budapest. The concert will take place at the beautiful art noveau building of Duna Palota in the heart of the city at 7 p.m. on Wednesday 7th March.

We are very grateful to our performers: Gergely Bogányi, the Sárik Péter Trió, the Cardinal Mindszenty Choir, the Egressy Octet and the Varidance Ensemble.

These outstanding artists all come free of charge to support our cause, and raise money for the renovation of the Infant Department in the Bethesda Children's Hospital.

We are hoping that our audience and sponsors will not only appreciate their performance, but also support our purpose generously!

The price of the tickets is HUF 5,000 which includes free refreshments during the intermission and a standing buffet after the concert.

We welcome donations and sponsorship offers - for tickets and sponsorship information contact Adrienne Makkay-Chambers by clicking here or on +36 30 445 3438.

Venue address: 1051 Budapest, Zrínyi u. 5.

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